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Core Elements

This section will show the different. It is important to state that since this framework is still in development, some mechanisms and classes could change in the future.


Although this framework is simulator agnostic, the next examples will be focused for the Spectre simulator.

SPICE Directives

Directives refer to raw SPICE statements normally used to control the simulator.

Directives are created through the Directive class and can be created in 2 ways:

  • A single string containing the raw directive
  • The directive command and a dictionary containing the arguments of the directive. Usually, directives are formatted as name param1=value param2=value ..., but can vary depending on the simulator used.

When supplying a dictionary with the parameters of the directive, the value None can be used to indicate that a parameter should only use the key instead of the key value pair. The following examples show the different ways of definining directives.

Creating directives
from nimphel.core import Directive

# Raw string directive
Directive("simulator lang=spectre")

# Directive with parameters
Directive("simulator", {"lang": "spectre"})

# The info parameter is None
    {"info": None, "what": "models", "where": "rawfile"}
# modelParameter info what=models where=rawfile

It is important to keep in mind that directives are always created as the name and the dictionary of parameters when reading a circuit from a netlist file.


Instances are one the the core constituents of SPICE and therefore of this framework. As the name implies, they refer to specific instances of electronic components inside a SPICE netlist. The way instances are described depends on the SPICE specificiation used, but they usually follow this structure.

Instance in SPICE format
M1 (GND VDD) NMOS vth=1.0

In NIMPHEL, the previous instance would be created in the following manner:

Creating a simple instance
from nimphel.core import Instance

    name="NMOS", nodes=dict(GND=0, VDD=1),
    params={"vth": 1.0}, cxt=None,
    cap="M", uid=1
  • The name refers to the electronic name of the component, in this case an NMOS transistor.

  • The nodes attributes is used to identify the electrical conections of the component. It's a dictionary containg the name of each node and it's respective value. For this example, the node names are GND and VDD while the values are 0 and 1. Note than Instance nodes cannot be empty or be None.

  • The params dictionary contains the instance parameters of the component.

  • The ctx keyword allows defining the context under which an instance is created. If an instance is created at the top level (e.g. directly in the circuit) it defaults to None. However, when an instance is created as part of a subcircuit, the context is the name of the subcircuit. This allows us to create sort of a dependency graph of each of the components and subcircuits.

  • The cap keyword allows defining the string used to identify the component type in the SPICE netlist. More information about this can be seen in the exporting

  • The uid refers to the numeric ID of the Instance in the SPICE netlist.

Instances can also be copied and modified once they have been created.

Copying and updating an instance
from nimphel.core import Instance

nmos = Instance(
    name="NMOS", nodes={'D': 1, 'G': 2, 'S': 3 'B': 'GND'},
    params={"vth": 1.0}, cxt=None,
    cap="M", uid=1

pmos = nmos.copy() = "PMOS"
pmos.params["vth"] = -1.0

However, creating instances in this way can become cumbersome very quickly, specially if we are instanciating the same electronic component multiple times. The following section shows how to create components to allow creating multiple instances of the same component in a simple and reusable manner.


Components in NIMPHEL can be seen as instance generators for a desired electronic component. To create instances of the same type of component, a Component object needs to be created, that will be later used to create new instances.

A Component can be created in the following manner:

Creating a component
from nimphel.core import Component

# Only the Node names are supplied
R = Component("R", ['P', 'N'])

# The Node names and the default value for "R" is provided
R = Component("R", ['P', 'N'], {'R': 1e3})

# The default value for the Node 'P' and the parameter 'R' are supplied
R = Component("R", {'P': None, 'N': "GND"}, {'R': 1e3})
  • The component name (e.g. resistor, capacitor, nmos, ...)
  • A list containing the names of the nodes or a dictionary containing the name and default values of the nodes.
  • A dictionary containing the name and default values of the parameters.


Keep in mind the order of the nodes and parameters is preserved

Creating Instances

Once a Component has been created, it can be directly used to spawn new instances thanks to the new method.

Creating instances from a component
from nimphel.core import Component

# Nodes can be supplied as a list or as a dictionary
R = Component("R", ['P', 'N'])["VDD", "GND"])"VDD", N="GND"))

R = Component("R", {'P': None, 'N': "GND"}, {'R': 1e3})"VDD"))

try:{'R': 2e3})
except ValueError:
    print("P has no default value")

Default Values

If a Node or parameter without default value has not been supplied, a ValueError is raised. We can exploit this behaviour to mark required values as None. That will require us to supply that specific node or parameter when creating the instance. This behaviour can be disabled temporarely through the check_defaults keyword.

For more information on how this is implemented, check the function missing_defaults in nimphel.utils

Mandatory nodes or parameters
from nimphel.core import Component

R = Component("R", {'P': 'VDD', 'N': "GND"}, {'R': None})

except ValueError:
    print("We didn't supply the parameter R")

# This one doesn't raise an error

The method __call__ is an alias for new so the following forms are equivalent"VDD"))

From Instances

It is also possible to create a Component if we already have the desired Instance. Given the instance object, we need to call the from_instance classmethod and pass directly the instance. Additionally, the keywords reset_nodes and reset_params can modify the behaviour when creating the Component:

  • If reset_nodes is True, all nodes are cleared and set to None
  • If reset_params is True, all params are cleared and set to None
inst = Instance("Cap", {'P': 1, 'N': 0}, {"C": 1e-9})

Component.from_instance(inst, reset_nodes=False, reset_params=False)
# Component("Cap", {'P': 1, 'N': 0}, {"C": 1e-9})

Component.from_instance(inst, reset_nodes=True, reset_params=False)
# Component("Cap", {'P': None, 'N': None}, {"C": 1e-9})

Component.from_instance(inst, reset_nodes=False, reset_params=True)
# Component("Cap", {'P': 1, 'N': 0}, {"C": None})

Component.from_instance(inst, reset_nodes=True, reset_params=True)
# Component("Cap", {'P': None, 'N': None}, {"C": None})


Models are a 1 to 1 equivalence of SPICE models. They allow creating new components that inherit from some other components while having different model parameters. The following example shows how to create a model MOD1 that inherits from NPN.

SPICE model declaration
model MOD1 NPN (BF=50 IS=1E-13 VBF=50)
Creating a model
m = Model("MOD1", "NPN", {'BF': 50, 'IS': 1e-13, 'VBF': 50})


A subcircuit is nimphel is also a 1 to 1 translation of SPICE subcircuits. They allow grouping a number of instances under in order to create a reusable component. Subcircuits, differently from components, need to be registered in a circuit for the simutator to keep track of the different components. This can be accomplished through the add method on a Circuit object.

Subcircuits are created in a similar fashion as Components.

Registering a subcircuit
from nimphel.core import Instance, Subcircuit, Circuit

PMOS, NMOS = Component("PMOS", {}), Component("NMOS", {})

INV = Subcircuit("INV", {"in": None, "out": None, "vdd": "VDD", "gnd": 'GND'})

C = Circuit()
C.add({'in': "INPUT", 'out': "OUTPUT"}))


It is important to mention that the circuit registers the state of the subcircuit when it's added. If we modify a subcircuit after it's been registered, the circuit won't be able to see the changes

Registering a subcircuit
from nimphel.core import Instance, Subcircuit, Circuit

PMOS, NMOS = Component("PMOS", {}), Component("NMOS", {})

INV = Subcircuit("INV", {"in": None, "out": None, "vdd": "VDD", "gnd": 'GND'})

C = Circuit()

# We modify the subcircuit

# We can see that the Circuit is not aware of the new update
C.subcircuits[0] == INV

The method __iadd__ is an alyas to add so the following are equivalent

INV +=


In nimphel, circuits are the main interface with SPICE netlists. Directives, Instances and Subcircuits are added to a circuit through the add method. A list of elements can be registered in one time by supplying the list directly.

The add method is also overloaded as the __add__ operator which creates a new copy of the circuit and the __iadd__ operator which modifies in place.

Creating a circuit
from nimphel.core import Circuit, Directive, Instance, Subcircuit

circuit = Circuit()


circuit.add([Instance(...) for i in range(100)])

The following section will show how to parse SPICE netlists to automatically create circuits and write these circuits to a plethora of SPICE specifications or user defined formats.