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When reading a configuration, monaco will make some healthchecks. Among other things, monaco will check for the following requirements in every job:

  • The job dependencies exist.
  • Template paths are not malformed.
  • The iterations file is readable and contains a list of iterations.
  • The ranges on the iterations are not malformed.

Executing commands

Commands are defined as short strings that get executed like shell commands. On windows they are executed with cmd while on linux they are executed with /bin/sh. The commands will be executed in the order they are defined. Each command gets executed in a different process, so the different commands cannot communicate between them directly.

Basic config file
  - name: Hello
      - echo "hello world"
  - name: Another
      - echo "Hello from another"

# Would result in the output
# hello world
# Hello from another

We can also executed other jobs instead of shell commands by provididing the job name as map. Moreover, we can temporarely update the props and environment of the job if the props and env keys are also supplied.

Job calling another job
  - name: First
      - job: Second
  - name: Second
      - echo "Hello from Second"

# Would result in the output
# Hello from Second

Note that when a job has executed all of its commands, it gets marked as completed and it won't be executed again, even after successive calls, as depicted here.

Job calling another job
  - name: First
      - job: Second
      - job: Second
  - name: Second
      - echo "Hello from Second"

# Would result in the output
# Hello from Second

Monaco offers a couple of tools to address the number of times a job is able to be executed. The number of times a job is allowed to executed is controlled through the iterations configuration. There is also the when functionality that allows us to determine whether a job should run or not even if there are iterations.


So far we have seen that we can launch jobs and execute commands. The problem is that these commands get executed only once. Monaco allows performing iterations on every job. There are multiple ways to define iterations:

  • An absolute path to a JSON file containing an array.
  • A boolean value to indicate whether the job will be executed once or in an infinite loop.
  • A range of numbers provided with the keys from, to and an optional step with the key by.
  • A list of values directly in the configuration file.

As long as the iterations are contained in a list, we are able to utilize not only numbers, but complex objects as iterations, as it will be shown. When executing multiple iterations, the iteration index can be accesed through the iter template variable.

Infinite loop

Example of an infinite loop
  - name: Test
    iters: true # If false, only once iteration. It is the default behaviour
      - echo "Infinite loop"

# Would result in the output
# Infinite loop
# Infinite loop
# ...

Iteration list

Example of an iteration list
  - name: Test
    iters: [1, 3, 5, 42]
      - echo "We are on iteration {{iter}}"

# Would result in the output
# We are on iteration 1
# We are on iteration 3
# We are on iteration 5
# We are on iteration 42

Range of values

Example of range iteration
      # from: 0 If from is not specified it defaults to 0
      end: 5
      # by: 1 The step defaults to 1
      - echo "We are on iteration {{iter}}"

# Would result in the output
# We are on iteration 0
# We are on iteration 1
# We are on iteration 2
# We are on iteration 3
# We are on iteration 4

Iterations from JSON file

[{"letter": "A", "idx": 1}, {"letter": "B", "idx": 2}]
Example on iterations from JSON file
    - name: Test
      iters: "iterations.json"
        - echo "Letter {{iter.letter}} and index {{iter.idx}}"

# Would result in the output
# Letter A and index 1
# Letter B and index 2

Variable interpolation

Monaco provides two mechanisms that allow variable interpolation.

  • Through the shell environment.
  • Through mustache templates.

Shell environment

  - name: Test
      ANSWER: 42
      - echo "the answer is $ANSWER"

# Would result in the output
# The answer is 42

The environment can be also updated on a global basis if the env key is defined in the top level of the configuration. Each job is then free to override the variable if they are defined in their own scope.

  foo: bar

  - name: First
      - echo "Here foo is $foo"
  - name: Second
      foo: 42
      - echo "but here is $foo"

# Would result in the output
# Here foo is bar
# but here is 42

In the case that we want to keep some variables secret, we can provide dotenv: true. In this case, monaco will read the file .env from the configuration directory and put them in the global environment. The .env file is a simple text file where each line has the format KEY=VALUE. If the option is enabled but the .env file is not readable, monaco will print a warning

Example of .env
Reading dotenv
dotenv: true

  - name: Test
      - echo "The password is $PASS"

# Would result in the output
# The password is 1234

The properties can be defined globally for all jobs if the props key is moved to the global scope. However, each job can override them if they are defined in their own scope.

  foo: bar

  - name: First
      - echo "Here foo is $foo"
  - name: Second
      foo: 42
      - echo "but here is $foo"

# Would result in the output
# Here foo is bar
# but here is 42


Redirecting output

The outpt of all steps in a job can be redirected easily through the log variable. There are three possible values:

  • If true is provided, the output will be redirected to standard out. This is the default behaviour.
  • If fals is provided, no output will be emitted.
  • If a string is provided, it will be treated as a template pointing to the path where the output will be apended. This file is recalculated for every iteration.

As with most options, the log output can be set on a global basis and each job can override the value.

Redirecting output
log: false

  - name: First
    dir: /tmp
    log: "{{dir}}/output.log"
      - echo "This will be in the file"
  - name: Second
      - echo "This won't be seen"
This will be in the file

Job dependencies

We can add dependencies to a job if we need to run job before, even if they are declared after. To do that, add the name of the job dependency to the depends list.

      - echo "This will be the first command"
      - {job: First}
      -echo "And at last, this job"
      - echo "This will be the second command"

# Would result in the output
# This will be the first command
# This will be the second command
# And at last, this job

Chaning directory

The directory of execution can be changed on a job basis by providing the dir key. The current directory can be used with the shell variable or through the template variable dir. If no directory is provided, it defaults to the configuration directory. The configuration directory can also be accessed through the template variable config_dir.

Changing execution directory
  - name: Test
    dir: /tmp
      - echo "We are in $PWD"
      - echo "The same as {{dir}}"
      - echo "The config is on {{config_dir}}"

# Would result in the output
# We are in /tmp
# The same as /tmp
# The config is on /path/to/config_dir

Errors during execution

During the execution of multiple steps of a job, something could go wrong. If one of the commands fail to execute, monaco will not execute the rest of the steps. To ignore errors, provide the ignore_errors: true on a job basis.

Errors during execution
  - name: Test
      - echo "You will see this"
      - false
      - echo "But you won't see this"

# Would result in the output
# You will see this
Ignoring errors
  - name: Test
    ignore_errors: true
      - echo "You will see this"
      - false
      - echo "And this too"

# Would result in the output
# You will see this
# And this too

Conditional execution

By default every job will be executed once. Once its execution has finished (either with errors or without errors), it will be marked as completed. In the case where a job has some iterations, all iterations will be executed.

Job is executed once
  - name: Parent
    iters: [1, 2, 3]
      - job: Child

  - name: Child
      - echo "This is executed only once"

# Would result in the output
# This is executed only once

However, we can provide the when parameter to a job to check when a job should run. This parameter accepts a list of shell commands that will be executed in order. If all of the commands exit without errors, the job will be run. Since this option has precedence over the completed marker, we can launch the same job as many times as needed.

For example, in order to always launch a job, we can use the true command as follows:

Conditional execution
  - name: Parent
    iters: [1, 2, 3]
      - job: Child

  - name: Child
      - echo "over and over"
      - true

# Would result in the output
# over and over
# over and over
# over and over