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Packet based protocol

The communication between a reader and a device chain is performed using a custom packet based protocol.

The source code documentation of the packet can be found :doc:here <packet>.

Field Encoding Description
Method uint8_t Type of packet. See commands
PIC uint16_t Position In Chain. Index of the device in the chain
Options uint16_t Metadata for the packet
UID char[25] Universal ID of the device
Checksum uint32_t Checksum of the packet
Data uint8_t[DATA_SIZE] Actual data of the packet

The DATA_SIZE can be defined by the user, but it has to be small than the smallest SRAM size of a device in the chain.

Working with packets

Example of creation of a packet
packet = Packet() # Generate a packet with default values

# The following are the default values
packet.with_uid("DEVICE ID")
packet.with_data([0x0, ..., 0x0])

packet.craft() # Craft the packet to send it

# The packet can now be used by calling `to_bytes`


Even if the packet has the default configuration, is is necesary to craft it before sending it, otherwise it will raise a ValueError. The method is_crafted returns True if the packet is ready to be sent.